An enormous thank you to Wimbledon Village Hall Trust who provide space for us to do all the mounting for the exhibition

Exciting news about the Printmaking Prizes

We are continuing our collaboration with the Royal Academy of Art and the V & A Museum who are providing workshops as prizes for the Printmaking Prize and the Year 4-6 category.

As well as raising funds for research into childhood cancers, Young Art aims to promote the teaching of art in schools to give pupils a creative outlet and both these prizes will give pupils and teachers an amazing opportunity to extend their art learning beyond the classroom.

Printmaking for 2 pupils and a
Printmaking Teacher

The First Prize Winners of the Yr 7-9 and Yr 10-11 Printmaking Prize and a teacher will have the wonderful opportunity of a full day’s workshop in the Royal Academy Schools with printmaking tutor Katherine Van Uytrecht.

The Teacher’s Prize will be awarded to the printmaking teacher who has inspired their pupils to produce the best work overall in the entries from their art department.

Prof Chris Orr RA, Young Art President, Judge of the Printmaking Prize and eminent printmaker is very keen to promote printmaking in schools and has generously arranged and sponsored this new prize which will be a unique and exceptional experience for two pupils and an art teacher.

The Whole Class of the Winner of the
Yr 4-6 Category

The V & A Museum are providing a short morning or afternoon workshop for the whole class and their teacher for the winner of the
Yr 4-6 category.

The Education Department of the V & A wish to encourage younger pupils to visit and experience the treasures of this wonderful museum and have generously sponsored this prize.

So….Young Artists and teachers pick up your pencils, paintbrushes and printmaking tools and produce some exciting entries for Young Art 2024!

Young Art would like to thank the sponsors of prizes for their generosity:

Year 7 to Year 9 Painting

Green & Stone

Year 10 and Year 11 Painting

Cass Art

The Drawing Prizes

Royal Drawing School

The Vice-Chancellor’s Prize

Royal College of Art

ALL prize winners

The Folio Society

The Prof Sir Christopher Frayling Prize

Jackson’s Art Supplies

Goody bags for all prize winners donated by Cass Art