We hope you enjoy this wonderful exhibition

The worlds of art and science coming together to help find a cure for children with cancer: it truly is children helping children.

Research into childhood cancers

Young Art raises funds for the wonderful team led by Dr Karin Straathof at UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health who are carrying out important research into childhood cancers. Initially headed by Professor Kathy Pritchard-Jones, YA has been supporting this project for the last 30 years.

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The first Young Art exhibition in 1990 comprised 120 paintings. Over the past three decades we have raised more than £1.25million for research into childhood cancers and given thousands of schoolchildren the unique opportunity to have their work judged by professional artists and the experience of seeing their picture exhibited at London’s Royal College of Art.

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The YA Team

We are a completely volunteer run charity. Behind the scenes there are myriad people who make Young Art what it is today: the catalogue team, the school reps, the postcard team, the mounting team, the sponsorship team, the auction team and the social media team. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved and especially the young artists themselves.

  • Co-Chair

    I am hugely excited to be involved with this inspiring charity. I was immediately taken in by the concept of children helping children with cancer. I have a scientific background having worked in both medical and DNA research I am very keen on learning more about this amazing research and inspiring kids to use their artistic skills to raise awareness for children with cancer. I look forward to helping showcase a brilliant 2024 exhibition.

  • Co-Chair

    I have always had a love of art and all things creative and am looking forward to putting that to good use for Young Art. I am particularly interested in giving students the opportunity to exhibit their wonderful artwork whilst also benefitting such a good cause. My background is in Trust & Company Administration initially working for the Trust Company arm of an Accountancy and a Law firm in Jersey C.I. and then later transferring to London.

Professor Sir Christopher Frayling 
Eileen Cooper OBE RA

President: Professor Chris Orr MBE RA

Co-Chair: Henrietta Hough
Co-Chair: Joanna Pugh

Treasurer: Claudia Brooks

Committee: Phee Adam, Adrea Blakeney, Charlotte Coad, Sara Connolly, Kate Dilnott-Cooper, William Dilnott-Cooper, Celine Ebbans, Sally Frankl, Nadia Galitzine, Sasha Galitzine, Emma Gibson, Clover Gwynn, Alyson Hoggart, Maria Howard, Olivia King, Mel Morgan, Jenny Mould, Betty O’Brien, India Oliver, Ruth Sharif, Hilary Stallibrass, Susie Stephens, Laline Sudlow, Pam Sullivan, Gilly Vincent, Charlotte Wilson

“It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child.”

— Pablo Picasso